Contact form 7 is very useful plugin for wordpress websites. We use this plugin to prepare forms as per our requirement in wordpress websites. It recommends recaptcha plugin for adding captcha option to the form.

On the other hand, to prepare a website in more than one language we use multi-language plugins in wordpress. qTranslate X is one of the popular multi-language plugin which is available free of cost.
Now, we are discussing a situation where we are using all the three above mentioned plugins and facing a issue related to recaptcha. As we change the language the language to cpathca remain the same. The language of recaptcha remains to English in most of the cases.


We want to change the language of the captcha as we change the language of complete website. So, to make it happen we just need to add few lines of code at functions.php file of our current theme. Code as as follows :

function wptricks24_recaptcha_scripts() {
		wp_deregister_script( 'google-recaptcha' );

		$url = '';
		$url = add_query_arg( array(
			'onload' => 'recaptchaCallback',
			'render' => 'explicit',
		 	'hl' => qtranxf_getLanguage()), $url );

		wp_register_script( 'google-recaptcha', $url, array(), '2.0', true );

	add_action( 'wpcf7_enqueue_scripts', 'wptricks24_recaptcha_scripts', 11 );

Here we are passing current language code with the use of “qtranxf_getLanguage()” which returns the language code. So, after adding this code the language of recaptcha will automatically be converted to the current language of whole website.
In a case where you want to change the recaptcha language to the specific one language because you are not using “qTranslate X” plugin then just go to this post : Contact form 7 : how to change language of recaptcha in wordpress.

Always try to use google recaptcha for captcha options because it is very rich in functionality as compared to others.